Every week the AgeingFit team will share news about new participants, supporters and exhibitors.


 A new partnership for AgeingFit 2018

We are pleased to confirm that Frédéric Serrière from Age Economy will be contributing to the 2018 edition of AgeingFit by conducting a statistical study accross Europe. The results will be presented during the event, where they will feed the discussion on two of our conference sessions.

 They will participate in AgeingFit 2018

  • Francis Brichet, Director of Health, Coreye, FR
  • Danièle Abdelnour, Accessibility Programme manager,  RATP, FR
  • Riyad Karim, Business Development Manager, Lancaster Hammond, UK
  • Ana Jegundo, Project Manager, Caritas Coimbra, PT

 They support AgeingFit 2018

Many thanks to our last Supporters for joining us to AgeingFit 2018: EDE, SEHTA, LPEA and more.