January 30th, 2019
TICC annual event: The Dutch Buurtzorg model of holistic neighbourhood care is going global across 2 seas region
Come and meet the partners – Hear the stories about their pilots and get full understanding of the Buurtzor’s model
- Testimonial – Buurtzorg Concepts BV: What is the Buurtzorg model of holistic care? Keep it small, keep it simple. What does good look like? Core topics: self-managed teams, coaching, organisation, IT system supporting holistic care, patient and team satisfaction.
- TICC goals and roadmap on pilots in each country: successes, challenges:
Testimonial – Public World (UK) : Buurtzorg story – sharing of lessons learnt in the UK
Testimonial by Kent County Council / KENT COMMUNITY HEALTH NHS FOUNDATION TRUST / Medway Community Centre
Testimonial by Soignons Humains
Insights on Flemish partners pilots by Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen and Emmaüs Elderly Care and others French pilots by VIVAT and La Vie Active
Transforming Integrated Care in Community (TICC) is a European collaborative project aiming at adapting, deploying and evaluating an innovative organisational model for the home-based care and services sector in the 2Seas area (England, Belgium, Holland, France), relying on the “Buurtzorg” methodology. The latter has been implemented for more than 10 years in Holland. Buurtzorg is mainly about creating self-managed teams of 6 to 12 carers, working at a neighbourhood level. Results from this Dutch experimentation are meaningful: Improvement of carers’ life-balance, proximity and responsiveness, dignified care, prevention of dependency in elderly, decrease in unplanned hospitalisations, etc.