January 30th, 2019

SEAS 2 Grow annual event

During AgeingFit 2019, SEAS 2 Grow partners are meeting and hosting their annual event on January 30th.


  • Focus on the work done so far:
    Effectiveness of the cross-border accelerator Age tech, Living Lab Method, Strategic Guide and Market Study
    Feedback from supported companies.
  • Discussion about the central topics of our project: Housing, Independent Living and Living Lab.

The annual event is also a unique moment for meeting entrepreneurs, innovators, representatives of care institutions and health professionals around a booming but not so easy market to enter.


SEAS 2 Grow is an Interreg 2 Seas Project which will set-up a proactive Silver Economy ecosystem accelerating the delivery of technological and social innovations for the 2 Seas market, by providing new tools, methods and services for all stakeholders involved in the Silver Economy (companies, local authorities, seniors, health institutions).

This project is targeting 4 countries (Belgium, United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands ) and is focused on:

  • Helping startups and SMEs to develop their product and services abroad thanks to the organisation of multiple call for projects in each of the 4 countries. Each company selected will receive a set of services corresponding to their needs
  • Building a common market on the Silver Economy including a Strategic Guide, novel finance models & a Strategic Action Plan
  • Providing steps for both supply and demand actors to consider when innovating in the Silver Economy sector in the 4 countries
  • Working on a sustainable business model for a cross-border Silver Economy innovation accelerator aiming on helping startups and SMEs after the end of the project


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