Showcase your innovative product or service at AgeingFit 2019:
Apply before November 30th, 2018!

You have until the end of the week to apply to the Innovation Pitches. Indeed, the deadline is November 30th, 2018. Applying to the Innovation Pitches is completely free of charge. However, you must be registered to AgeingFit to apply.

If you are interested in the Innovation Pitches, download the application form and send it back to us completed by Friday.

Showcase your innovation product or service at AgeingFit 2019

Through the Innovation Pitches, AgeingFit promotes innovations dedicated to improving the everyday lives of ageing people and healthcare professionals and aims at preventing age-related disorders.

Apply to the Innovation Pitches!

The Innovation Pitches allow you to present your innovative project, product or service in front of a jury of experts and potential partners and investors, thus enhancing your visibility.

Organisations entitled to present their innovative technologies or solutions:

Care organisations
Academic institutions
Healthcare professionals
Large companies

How does it work?

1/ REGISTER for AgeingFit
2/ DOWNLOAD to get your application form
3/ APPLY before November 30th, 2018


For the selected candidates:

 A 5-minute pitch of your project in front of the jury of experts and potential partners and investors
 A dedicated meeting space at the heart of the AgeingFit exhibition
 Speed-mentoring from experts to boost the development of your project

In partnership with: