The AgeingFit team is very pleased to count Santélys among its Sponsors!

Santelys is a non-profit establishment focusing on home healthcare and on training of tomorrow’s healthcare professionals. Coordination, prevention, education, hospitalization, care, technologies … Santelys’s ambition is to find a solution for the patients to stay at home, whatever their age, level of dependence and health status. Santelys also conducts research through its Research, Studies, Evaluations, Valuation, Innovation (REEVI) unit.

Join key AgeingFit 2022 sponsors to have the opportunity to:

  • Associate your image to the leading European event dedicated to innovation for healthy ageing
  • Assert your corporate focus on innovation in the senior market
  • Bring out your ideas and products to key innovation players in the 50+ market
  • Enhance your visibility on an international scale and get identified as a key organisation in the sector

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